Fast forward towards the autumn
August 3rd 2018
ProForce’s operations were more speedy in July than we expected at the end of June, thanks to new and existing customers. Sweat came. The summer heat even rose the sweat to the skin quite exceptionally. The weather was good, now working wasn’t the only thing that brought the heat on.
At the same time, we have kept our eyes firmly on the coming autumn. Our actions have now been developed so that our capacity for growth can be fullfilled. We recruit more all the time. The view is good. This signal comes from both our customers and general economy sights. Before the summer holiday season we estimate that the autumn will become more lively. Today, in early August, although some teams still have summer holidays, phones have been ringing already intensely, even exceptionally. What happens when all the holidays end and working continues at full power. Sweat may come again.
As a practical guide, we want to send our customers a signal that, if there are any needs for workforce, it’s worth to call us. In this way, we will be able to create teams of right metal workers for new operations also.
We are proud of the professionalism of our metal workers. We are also currently doing video about our company services. With that we are even better able to tell what we do in different parts of Scandinavia and Europe. You will see the video in the autumn.
Waiting also for the fairs in the autumn,
Nice and warm late summer!
ProForce Team